Only Eagles Fly Foundation (Fundacja Tylko Orły) was established in 2020, yet its initiators and founders – Maciej and Tadeusz Syka, have been involved in numerous activities for the benefit of culture, art and charity in Poland and Polish communities around the world for nearly 20 years. The name of the foundation recalls the words of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński:
“Only eagles fly and glide over the mountains. Only eagles are not moved by precipices, winds and storms. Do not be afraid to find the eagle in you! May your heart and eye soar courageously above the storms into the future”.
Our activity focuses on authorial ideas in the field of, among others: organization of cultural events, film productions, popularization of history, reviving art or civil society. Often unconventional, with great panache and aspirations our activities reach beyond the geographical borders of Poland. The activities of the foundation are inspired above all by the courage of the great authorities of the Church (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, John Paul II and Father Jan Góra OP) and the heroes of the 20th century Polish history.
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